Sony - The Equalizer

  • Client
  • Sony Pictures
  • Deliverables
  • Website, Game
  • Role
  • Art Direction, 3D, Design
  • Credits
  • BlastRadius - David Lee, Luca Allievi

Sony Pictures asked us to quickly develop an engaging online experience to promote the international release of The Equalizer, featuring Denzel Washington. To take on this challenge, I was paired up with a couple of talented developers, which allowed us to deliver quality results in a short amount of time.

The brief had us create an enjoyable yet informative micro-site tailored towards action-movie lovers. The site was to feature a 3D, first-person-shooter revolving around a supporting plot element from the film.

We liked the idea of how often Denzel's character made weapons from the materials at hand. He also tracked his own progression throughout the film by timing himself when faced with confrontation. Our end result was a two-part challenge that involved choosing and assembling your own weapon, before eliminating enemy targets within a set time limit.